
Lily Of The Village

...A successful dish all around, the oxtails were properly tender, flavor, and juicy, accented by the texture of its bits of barely toothsome cartilage and the slivers of fat that just evaporated on the tongue. The rice and beans were light, fluffy and aromatic, and the slaw was crisp, tangy tart with vinegar, and cool.... [Full Post]
Oxtails, Red Beans & Rice

Hooked On S'Mac

...They were all very serviceable—some even quite enjoyable—and I was self-impressed that my two favorites were the two I believed would be my favorites: The All-American and the Alpine.... [Ful Post]

S'Mac Sampler

A Day in the Life of Hamburger Buns

....Two were of a kind of steak burger prep, with steak sauce, raw and fried onions, and bacon. The other two had the addition of sweet and spicy elements, making a pineapple mustard from scratch, pickling raw onions in balsamic vinegar, and two slices of crispy bacon, and kicking the whole burger up with sweet relish and hot jalapeños. All four burgers sat very nicely on four toasted hamburger buns.... [Full post]