
Upper Upper East Fried

...Fried fish sandwiches are a staple in the South—many neighborhoods hosting Fish Fry Fridays ritualistically—and stores in major cities that sell fresh, raw fish (especially the cheaper yet still flavorful and flaky whiting and porgy varieties) as well as fry them freshly breaded to order are as common in more urban areas like Harlem than Starbucks are anywhere in or near Yorkville... [Full Post]

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In Short Order

...Yes, warm, thick slices of bread singing with bouquets of vanilla and nutmeg were a great base for the assortment of berries and melon and cantaloupe. The bacon had perfect "chew" and great flavor without being overly salty. The mellow maple rewarded me by topping mouthfuls of however many different elements I could fit on my fork at one time.... [Full post]

Fairer Jacques

... I loved the texture of the finely chopped proteins in this terrine, mildly spiced to compliment the pork and moderate any gaminess in the rabbit, and wrapped in bacon for extra flavor. The mustards provided any amount of kick I needed, the cranberry being extra pleasant, adding a nice layer of flavor, as fruits do, to the game meat... [Full post]

L'Afrique? C'est Chic!

...A plentiful and aromatic dish, this was another tasty winner. You could really taste the melange of flavor influences, a hint of mustard in the marinade, some sweeter spices—nutmeg maybe—mixing with spicier ones, and the barely-on-the-bone lamb, with its deeper but not gamier flavor, possessing the quality of imparting its leaner meat's flavor, as well as its fatty flavors (most meats really heavily on its fat content alone for flavor).... [Full post]

Alice In Wonderland

...Bailey's Irish Cream/Red Velvet French Toast Medallions stuffed with Banana and Nutella, with Orange Honey and Peanut Butter Butter

Mm, Mm, Mm, All The Way Home

... I can, however, speak to how great it is! Although the initial reference is to piggies, TLPHRB (?!) specializes in the beef that it slow cooks and slices in house. The beef is tasty and tender, highlighted by that clever, familiar zestiness unique to Cheez Wiz, and a true au jus whose flavors and aromas get soaked up into a nice, warm, "cushy" sesame seed roll. I couldn't even stop eating enough to save the half I had promised to deliver to my next door neighbor.... [cont.]

Happy Happy, Joy Joy!

...It is a kitschy space, yet complete devoid quaint cutsiness or hipster irony. The decor, a throwback to the national diners of yore.... [cont.]

Branching Out West

...Both apps (yes, we shared of course) were quite good, a step up from the kind of finger food you get at upscale corporate dinner functions (is that really a complimemt?). The grougeres—I hardly expected so may—were lighter in texture and taste than they looked, with the taste of Cheddar hit the taste buds last without any of the texture of cheese.... [Full post]

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