pomme frites

Fairer Jacques

... I loved the texture of the finely chopped proteins in this terrine, mildly spiced to compliment the pork and moderate any gaminess in the rabbit, and wrapped in bacon for extra flavor. The mustards provided any amount of kick I needed, the cranberry being extra pleasant, adding a nice layer of flavor, as fruits do, to the game meat... [Full post]

Mussel Head

...but I love mussels to be the "stars" of the dish, as they were here, plump and proud with their deep oceanic flavor and one of a kind texture accented on more than one level by porky ham strips, sweet onion, aromatic white and earthy garlic... [Full post]

Curry Up and Slow Down!

...Mainly because they are enjoying a culinary renaissance at the moment, and partly because I used to live in this neighborhood twenty years ago and find it quite amusing how much the area has changed. (I used to live on 13th & Avenue A on a block that saw several busts a week for apartments—like the one I lived in with LM—that were drug dens, brothels, and, more often, both!).... [Full post]
