
Back Where I Balon

...This dish was triumph of surprises. The fish remained flaky throughout eating, countered nicely by the slightly bitter yet "verdant" bok choy bulbs and leaves, and accentuated by the properly understated amount of mango purée... [Full Post]

Sweet and Simple

...What did stand out—to me at least—was their options for savory toppings, including pretzels, tortilla chips, and, yes, wasabi pies! I decided to get a medium cup of the strawberry Fruizo (their other default flavors being banana and mango), and topped it with the wasabi peas, some pretzels, and some sliced almonds, which were a wonderful contrast flavor- and texture-wise to the robust sweetness of the strawberry in the icy, creamy-without-dairy, flavor Fruizo.... [Full post]

Happy Happy, Joy Joy!

...It is a kitschy space, yet complete devoid quaint cutsiness or hipster irony. The decor, a throwback to the national diners of yore.... [cont.]

A Little Curry Hill in Yorkville

...Earlier today, Tommy and I went there for lunch together and finally noticed the sign of an authentic Indian restaurant: the abundance of India-native patrons summarily chowing down ever-loving spoonfuls of nostalgia. Tommy and I followed suit.... [cont.]
