
Red Dawn

...So, waking up sober but in need of culinary childhood reversion, I put some cocoa powder and a bit of chocolate syrup into some pancake batter with several drops of red food coloring, and gave that a thorough stirring. I poured small ladlefuls of batter into a buttered and preheated large skillet, and cooked as I would regular pancakes.... [cont.

Burger One; Other Diners, Zero

...As Gina and I enjoyed our respective repasts at the counter—amount to less than 20 bucks including her soda and my chocolate egg cream—new customers started streaming in at a steady clip, seemingly regulars who each seemed to have a favorite—or several—from its large menu that offers hot and cold sandwiches, wraps, and entrées such as a Gyro Platter, Onion Steak, and Fried Chicken.... [cont.]

Chocolate Is The New Breakfast

...As the child in you can probably imagine, this was crazy yummers! Nice airy pancakes with just a little crisp to the edges were heightened by little bursts of chocolate rice cereal with plenty of rich cocoa flavor and still retaining a lot of their crunch. The syrup, sweet with sugar, tempered by butter, gave some sweet moistness to the bits of pancakes and the peanuts.... [cont.]
