
Germanic Monday

...The sausage loaf had the texture of a refined thick slice of good bologna, and was flavored by a rich combination of spices. This was a great dais for the soft-fried egg and a hit a ground mustard, which together augmented the leberkäse's unctuousness and almost guilty amount of porkiness. The runny yolk of the egg, which I'm always a fan of, evenly integrated the texture dichotomies between the hot protein and the chilled finely chopped yet still toothsome potato salad.... [Full Post]
Wiener a la Holstein with Homefries & Red Cabbage

Letters From Home

...The chopped lettuce with carrots then got mixed with a teaspoon of mustard, red wine vinegar, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and honey. Two slices of toasted cornbread slices got smeared with mayo with cider vinegar stirred in, the slices of tomatillas sautéed in butter, the BBQ bacon slices, and slaw, with the pea salad spooned on the side.... [Full post]

Five Four Sixty Six, One

... Having little client work today—and not even by design—I looked forward to making it as much as a PHUDE-related day as possible, firstly affording myself a home cooked meal. I whisked some dried tarragon leaves, fresh cracked pepper, and a little salt into some eggs, and in a separate small skillet, heated some "back bacon" which are thin, rounder strips that boast a line of fat from what is the pork belly section of the pig with the much leaner oval of the loin part.... [Full post]

Burger One; Other Diners, Zero

...As Gina and I enjoyed our respective repasts at the counter—amount to less than 20 bucks including her soda and my chocolate egg cream—new customers started streaming in at a steady clip, seemingly regulars who each seemed to have a favorite—or several—from its large menu that offers hot and cold sandwiches, wraps, and entrées such as a Gyro Platter, Onion Steak, and Fried Chicken.... [cont.]