
Still A Cornerstone Burger

...I found this burger had great texture—I love a loose interior crumble and exterior caramelization—but do prefer a bit more of those lovely warm, clear beef juices running down my chin and slowly disintegrating the integrity of the bottom bun.... [Full Post]
Corner Bistro Cheeseburger

Raining, Katz('s), And Dogs

...The dual textures was a novel thrill, as was the different spice and seasoning components in each of the salami slices. The firmer salami highlighted a slight tang of garlic and paprika, while the softer salami had a more subtle taste, letting the niblets of minced fat lead the flavor charge.... [Full Post »]
Hard & Soft Salami Sandwich

Germanic Monday

...The sausage loaf had the texture of a refined thick slice of good bologna, and was flavored by a rich combination of spices. This was a great dais for the soft-fried egg and a hit a ground mustard, which together augmented the leberkäse's unctuousness and almost guilty amount of porkiness. The runny yolk of the egg, which I'm always a fan of, evenly integrated the texture dichotomies between the hot protein and the chilled finely chopped yet still toothsome potato salad.... [Full Post]
Wiener a la Holstein with Homefries & Red Cabbage