

Red's Char-Grilled Hot Dogs | Street Fair Booth, Various Locations
Red's Char-Grilled Hot Dogs | Banh Mí Dog

Getting My Fill

...The hot dogs were excellent, with casings that snapped loudly through the top of my head with each bite and clear juices full of the layers of its seasonings as spices. The eggplant relish was bright and earthy and a good compliment to the plain hot dog, while a drizzle of sriracha sauce added extra zing on top of the jalapeños that flicker the front and back of my tongue.... [Full post]

Happy Days

...A perfect medium burger, aromatic toasted rye, gooey swiss, and bright, hot, and flavorful jalapeños made for a pleasingly solid burger-eating experience. The meat was tasty and ran nicely clear with juices, without the toast's crispiness being impaired. The smoky bacon complimented the pinkish beef's natural, sweet, earthiness.... [Full post]

Icy, Spicy Gonzalez!

...That inspired me to make frozen jalapeño margaritas while I tended bar on one of these oppressively hot and humid July days. They were a huge, tasty hit (made 3 pitchers of them), and looking forward to taking some of my customers and PHUDE-nyc Facebook page fans and start making these with strawberries, watermelon, and even cactus fruit.... [Full post]

Seasonally Bipolar

...The jalepeño·barbecue burger dog was a bit more of a revelation, if only in the dressing. I had never made that before, but after the first few bites of its smoky, tangy, sweet, and creamy properties—heightened by the acidic heat of the jalapeños, I immediately started to imagine all other future applications for it. I promise, this dressing will make a return!... [Full post]

Tuna Fish Can Can

...So the drained tuna got stirred with my default mixings of mayo, a little bit of mustard, some lemon juice, chopped onions, salt and pepper. Instead, however, of using relish, I chopped up some jalapeños from the jar in my fridge.... [Full post]