
Getting My Fill

...The hot dogs were excellent, with casings that snapped loudly through the top of my head with each bite and clear juices full of the layers of its seasonings as spices. The eggplant relish was bright and earthy and a good compliment to the plain hot dog, while a drizzle of sriracha sauce added extra zing on top of the jalapeños that flicker the front and back of my tongue.... [Full post]

What Up, Home Slice?

...Many of the these places have continued the evolution of the vegetable slice, which, back in the day, started with just peppers and/or onions, then mushrooms, then eggplant, then spinach, then broccoli.... [full post]

Fond of Defonte's

... No pimply-faced, faux slacker "sandwich artists" here; the real art obviously happens in the kitchen, and the proof is in the ingredients' presentation, and in the exquisite smell of the place: more like a kitchen and less like a store. They were even baking cookies from scratch during my visit!.... [Full post]
