
There's Something About Ukraine

...From the snappy, spicy, fatty kielbasa, to the pillowy goodness of the pierogis, to the nicely seasoned minced meat, wrapped in aromatic cabbage and slathered in rich, deep, mushroom gravy, each forkful was a delight of present day culinary standards mixed with old school and old world nostalgia.... [Full Post]
Deluxe Meat Plate | Veselka

Lunch With Me Matey...!

...You expect the Drunken Sailor to have the crusty exterior of a seasoned salt, just like the edge of the bread and the fried, melted cheeses that adhered to it. But then you're hit with his boozy breath, an aroma that take over more senses than it's supposed to. You try to placate him with patience, but that only angers him, as he becomes suddenly punchy with blue cheese stankiness.... [Full Post]

From Gray Bars to Black Iron

....I don't mind busy weeks, especially ones like this week when clients actually pay, and pay on time. And after subsisting on my own cooking, leftovers, and food deliveries the whole week, I pursued the sole yet perfect opportunity to try out another well-received and well-reviewed new food place. Plus, the place is in my new favorite, up-and-coming food neighborhood: the Lower East Side of Manhattan.... [Full Post]
