Zigolinis Pizza Bar | 675A 9th Ave. (bet. 46th & 47th Sts.) | 212.333.3900 | www.pizzabarnyc.com

THERE ARE MANY neighborhoods that I don't get to nearly as often as others. Because of that, when I come across a another restaurant on my "to-PHUDE" list after eating at the intended one, I kind of have to check it out, theoretically killing two birds with one stone.

So was the case when, having just finished an awesome fish sandwich at nearby Xie Xie, I came across a two-month new pizzeria/bar called Zigolinis, a satellite post of the original located in the Financial Disctrict. This place had just popped onto my radar when it was listed in two of my foodie website subscription emails. I just had to go in.

They serve the recently popular and ubiquitous oven-baked Neapolitan pizzas, prepared by a trained pizzaioli. They listed several variations on their menu; summoning up reserve appetite, I ordered one with sausage and broccoli, watching the pizzaioli knead and spread the dough, add the fresh ingredients, and slide it into a wood-fired brick oven for less than ten minutes, slide it back out and present it to me.

A very decent pie this was. A nice, pliable but not doughy crust, with a thin strong fold but without the more the more New York-style "crisp". The cheeses were traditionally rustic and aromatic, the sausage buoyantly spicy and sweet, and all of it drizzled with a clean and earthy olive oil that brought all the good flavors together with each bite.

I could only eat half the small pie (two slices), but, as I left, taking a last gander at the spaces classically comfy decor, looked forward to not only savoring those last two slices hours for dinner, but returning to Hell's Kitchen more than every 6 months or so.

Bun Apple Tea!


Zigolinis Pizza Bar on Urbanspoon

Zigolinis Pizza Bar | 675A 9th Ave. (bet. 46th & 47th Sts.) | 212.333.3900 | www.pizzabarnyc.com